- Ezgif, you can use this to make gifs.
- Ditherit, For dithering images
- Hekate's button maker, For making 88x31 buttons. Ive seen this elsewhere but i found it from hekate.
- Pixel art scaler. What it says on the tin. You can use this to upscale pixel art without it getting blurry
-, A tool for removing backgrounds
-, A tool for creating blinkies, using different templates, fonts and emoticons.
- Shenanigans.neocities.orgA personal website, but this has some code snippits ive used
-,OK so this is technically a depricated link i think(?), but there are still templates here and ive used them.
- Demirramon, text generator stuff, my favorite is the undertale/deltarune text box generator.
-, A css gradient generator, which makes it a hell of a lot easier to make gradients
- piskelapp.coma tool for creating pixel animations.
- Sadgrl's layouts, A collection of layouts made by
- Sadgrl's layout builder, a layout bulder made by
- teppy's layouts, more free to use layouts, these are really nice.
- A layout by
-, This site has layouts, and more.
-, cute borders and the like
- Gifcities, Lets you search for gifs from archived sites
-, its got free backgrounds what more can i say
- Betty's graphics, A large collection of tiled backgrounds, dividers, misc site stuff and way more.
-, A collection of various web badges
- Glitter Graphics, a LARGE collection of backgrounds, blinkes and way way more, take a look at it its full of stuff.
- A collection of 88x31 buttons, and a large one at that.
- cute.gif, many cute graphics
- The cutie internet archive, Run by, it contains many cute graphics (im left to assume, it never loads for me)
-, a collection of emoticons.
- gifcity, one of the best resources for site parts ive come accross. But thats mostly because it matches most of my tastes.
- Bluef00t's lemon demon page there are other pages on here, but i like lemon demon so this is the one i reference the most. Has fonts, graphics and the like, also just a personal website for this person.
- Rose's resouces, A lot!! of cute resources, majority sanrio.
- Adrians blinkie collection, a large collection of blinkies
- el's resources, this has fonts, bgs, code snippits, and a rlly good link directory.
- nustuff, a great resource for nu metal graphics
- sh2, more webbadges
-, a bunch of different graphics.
- pomie graphics archivemany pixels, gifs, dividers and the like
-, dividers.
- flower dividers and banners
- The horror gif necronomicon, a collection of many gifs
- mabsland, this is where the panda site ratings come from
-, a collection of small pixels, favicon size
- pixel safari, a large collection of many types of graphics, this is huge and is still being added to
Learning and other link directories