
i really like cds. Nothing like, special about it i just like music and i think owning it physically is so cool so heres my collection logged online for the whole world to see!

this is roughly sorted by when i got each cd, its probably not accurate because i have a very bad memory, its sorted newest to oldest, top to bottom.


  • Life - the Cardigans
  • system of a down - system of a down
  • view monster - lemon demon
  • steal this album - system of a down
  • korn - korn
  • issues - korn
  • follow the leader - korn
  • Hellbilly deluxe - rob zombie
  • hellbilly deluxe 2 - rob zombie
  • the sinister urge - rob zombie
  • spirit phone - lemon demon
  • Collection

    Hellbilly Deluxe - rob zombie

    Another one of my most favorite albums!! another christmas gift from my brother :) he knows what i like :). My favorite songs off of this one are demonoid phenomenon (also just one of my favorite rob zombie songs period), spookshow baby, what lurks on channel x?, and return of the phantom stranger. I love the like ambiance on this album like the beginning of it and the end like it gives me chills its so good.

    Life is Peachy - koRn

    One of my favorite albums ever!!!! my brother got it for me for christmas :) my favorite songs off of this one are chi, porno creep, and a.d.i.d.a.s. !!!!

    Definitive collection - electric light orchestra

    gonna be so fr i just got this one because i like mr blue sky. I got it while thrifting with juniper


    this is the other cd i got at the flea market :3. its missing the front bit insert but it was a dollar im not gonna complain.

    See you on the other side - KoЯn

    i went to the flea market and got two cds. This is one of them. I havent listened to this album all the way yet, but i like twisted transistor and coming undone. I think the album art for this one looks so cool

    take a look in the mirror - KoЯn

    This one i got from my dad! its probably older than i am! I havent actually listened to all the songs on this album, because i just keep listening to the same 2 (i did my time and y'all want a single)

    Hypnotize - System of a down

    Bought this one, opened it, it was scratched. It was new too! little disapointed. It was a really deep scratch, i got it buffed but i have yet to test play it. I love all the songs on this album, its my third favorite system album. My favorite songs off this album are kill rock and roll, tentative, vicinity of obcenity, shes like heroin, and lonely day.

    Mezmerize - System of a down

    Bought this one at the same time as Hypnotize. Its my second favorite system album! No issues with the cd this time. Also love all the songs on this album too. My favorite are revenga (i have a floragato in scarlet named this!), cigaro (lol), radio/video, violent pornography, and lost in hollywood. I listened the heck outta this album this last summer at work, such a good album.

    Toxicity - System of a down

    Also recieved this one from my dad! it was a birthday present. love this album, if you cant tell i love all the system albums. my favorite songs off the album are deer dance, chop suey! (obviously, has to be its such a good song), forest, science, and toxicity. I have one song on this album i dont actually like, its jet pilot. Not a bad song i just dont like it very much, not my cup of tea.

    Queen greatest hits

    A christmas gift from my younger brother! I really like queen, who doesnt? (him, actually), my favorite song off this cd is good old-fashioned lover boy, its my favorite queen song! granted i havent really listen to a lot of queen but i reallly like this song.

    Dinosaurchestra - lemon demon

    Another christmas gift! from the same christmas as the queen cd! favorite song is neverending hum :).