i finished rewatching this one recently, i originally watched it in 2020 when i was 13. it ment a lot to me at the time, and it still does. when i was around 15-16 i discovered Lily Orchard's videos, at the time i thought her media critisms were well formatted and i believed she had the correct opinion on things. i let her opinions sway mine, and it made me dislike some of my favorite shows. i now know most of her takes are complete bullshit, so ive been rewatching some of the shows she made me dislike and rediscovering why i liked them so much in the first place. It meant a lot to 13 year old me that this show had a nonbinary character and other confirmed lgbtqia characters because it was really the first show i watched that had that. Other than that, this show is just really fun. I still really like it, my favorite character is Scorpia.
I rewatch this one every few months, if you havent watched it you really should it is top tier comedy anime. even if you dont normally watched subs watch the second season it is so funny. love my queen Aiura, shes my favorite. this is legit one of my favorite shows ever.
Another one i rewatch a lot. Its so funny and just actually entertaining. i think dr rockso is really fucking funny but i wouldnt call him my favorite, i dont really have a favorite character from this one. I watch it a lot since its just on adultswim's website, i watched it all in order once on max before they took it off there.
Another one i rewatch frequentlyyyyy. i like watching this one when i have to clean my room because ive seen it enough times where i can drop it at any point and pick it back up and remember everything that happened in between. Its really funny i like glep.
Watched this one while i was working this summer, its really good. i like laios, hes so me coded
yay i like this one :) fuck disney though.
it was good but honestly i had such a hard time following it
this was such a nothingbuger movie
twas good
it was good
i havent read any of the books but my dad had me take my brother to go see this one and it was good. like literally i had no background in it and was clear enough that i wasnt lost at any point. i liked the animation a lot. :)
man i dont fucking know, what the hell even happened. my dad picked this for movie night what even happened
it was good, i remember seeing the trailer for it when i went and saw something else at the theater (dont remember what). It was good, i went in completely blind as i usually do for movies so like, zamn, shits wild.
we had movie credits for our local theater so we went and saw sonic again just me and my brother and we literally like held eachother everytime something hype was happening. he didnt notice shadow removing his limiters the first time, he stupid. it was so good. my cousin was there with their friends (coinsidense or however the fuck its spelled) and they were so hype at the end, they arent very familiar with sonic, so obviously we told them (my cousin) to play sa+sa2 when they got home. I love Jim Carrey Robotnik, and ofc you know i had to be hype for the stobotnik angst. this is such a fun movie, and i think all the jokes are funny even the millenial ones. i may just be getting older though.
im gonna need to rewatch this one bc i started it too late and by the end i could NAWT understand what the hell was even happening. Alex winter is in this one thats why i got told to watch it.
I CANT BELIEVE I FORGOT TO ADD THIS IN!! i went and saw it first with my brother, his friend and my dad. it is SOOO CAMP I LOVE IT!!! me and my brother literally like held eachother over my dad (he was in the middle) and squealed.
My turn to pick for this weeks movie night :)! my Friend has been watching a lot of the muppet's lately so i thought id join in. Ive seen this one only once before this, so i didnt remember it very well, but it is very good. has all the same muppet charm. My favorite muppet is ms Piggy if you even care. Last movie of 2024!!!
very good, not quite what i expected it to be not but i went in with very little expectations. i know if i had watched this one when i was little it wouldve scared the shit outta me. pretty unicorns :)
i like these ones they are always funny
Michael caine in this one hes so good. i love the muppets i love ms piggy my queen. christmas soon :)
christmas soon :)
I actually didnt like this one very much.
again, i love bill and ted. this movie is such a good sequal, it doesnt just rehash the same story but instead its completely different and it does it so well. like this is exactly how these characters would act in these situations. its wonderful, death is also superrr funny i love him.
I LOVEEEE THIS ONEEEE. my top favorite movie ever its so funny i love bill and ted.
i read a lot, mostly because my mom makes me, so most of these i didnt pick out myself. instead i had to read them bc my mom told me to.
this one was good, picked it up because my mom was making me get a non comic from the library. honestly followed every trope i expected it to but like thats not necesarily a bad thing. i had fun reading it
This one was good. I went into it completely blind with no expectations, my local library does surprise book boxes every month and when i picked up this months one it was this book. It was good, the ending was partially predictable but that doesnt take away from my enjoyment of it, i think if it tried to take a sharp sudden turn it would've been way worse. It all clicked together in a way that made sense and worked nicely with the setup at the beginning of the book. i always like books that show multiple perspectives of the same situation, and this one did that, with the same place in different years from different people. Their two perspectives made it all make sense more than just one would in this specific case and i really enjoyed it. i dont usually read books like this, i tend to stick to fantasy and manga so this was a nice change of pace.
i originally read this one when i was first learning how to read, i reread it for bookclub at the beginning of the year, its still good.
one was really good. i picked it up at the library on a whim and i enjoyed it a lot. i recognized the name because i used to share a funimation account with my cousin and i think he was watching it (?). i really liked this book, i sew myself and it was fun to read a book about trying to make it big in the fashion world.
this one was okay, like fine. not outstanding or anything. i read this one because i really enjoyed the author's other book Valiant Ladies. it was fine but i didnt like it, very stereotypical fantasy which isnt necesarily a bad thing but it like didnt stand out or anything and was boring to read.
i did not enjoy this one. mom made me read it.
its sbr what can i say. peak all around. it was an entertaining read, i really like jojos already but i think anyone could read it up and would understand most all of it because of the universe being different. my favorite character is hot pants, love her. close second is lucy, she gets treated so weird by everyone :(.