why minecraft is different i think

I think modern Minecraft has strayed from the point. It's too overcomplicated it should've ended with the cave update minus the copper, and the amethyst. It kind of sucks to play now because there's so much to do but all of it is useless. The sniffer doesn't even do anything, bundles, THE 1 FEATURE I WANTED WASNT EVEN ADDED, brushes don't do anything, amethyst doesn't do anything, copper doesn't do anything, most lush stuff doesn't do anything, dog armor is okay but it's really shitty, the reskin skeleton or whatever I can't remember the name of it is just stupid, camels aren't anything new, it's all just so complicated now for what was at its core a game with a stupid simple concept.

I think if it was (god forbid) still notch working on the game it would be siller and more loose. Mojang/Microsoft are so up their own asses that theyve taken a game that seems impossible to overcomplicate and did that, I have respect for Mojang as an indie company started by one dude with one game that managed to work it's way up the ladder and be successful but I cannot agree with how they are running it and Minecraft.

The whole mob vote is a bullshit scheme that's rigged from the start. It should NOT have been the glowsquid that won but that's not my point, they always hype up one mob more than the other two. And they haven't even delivered on the rest of the promised mobs, also the phantom sucks ass and should not have won. It's always like "here's mob 1 something something he's a guy or whatever here's mob 2 he is the most amazing guy ever you'll get so many cool perks from him and he'll be the best mob ever, here's mob 3 hes a skeleton reskin." And mob 2 will get added in and he literally does nothing like the SNIFFER IM SO MAD ABOUT THE SNIFFER.

I think Minecraft became overcomplicated the moment that the nether was reworked, but that's because of the era of Minecraft I grew up with. I had Minecraft on my family's Xbox 360 like most kids in 2011. I only ever played the tutorial world because i didn't know I had any other options. I played split screen with my older brother mostly, and we had the most stupid fun, granted we were both very young. Later on I played Minecraft on the PS4 with my friends, split screen again as well. This was like right after the elytra was introduced. So of course this is going to be peak Minecraft in my head. AND IT IS PEAK MINECRAFT. Everyone is going to have nostalgia bias for whenever they started really enjoying Minecraft but I think everyone can agree, Minecraft is too overcomplicated with pointless features, and just kind of shitty gameplay, because of those features. Minecraft is a good game, I won't dispute that. But it's fallen from what it used to be. Also small side tangent you used to be able to move worlds between devices by moving the world file BUT THE WORLD FILE JUST DOESMT FUCKING EXIST ANYMORE SND NOW YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR STUPID BULLSHIT REALMS TO MOVE THE WORLDS,, THAT ARE ALREADY TAKING UP SPACE!!!! (I hate realms but that's a different story 💖)
